浮美术馆 / Fu art museum



Fu Art Museum is a comprehensive contemporary art museum with an international vision.

Fu Art Museum is based on pure academic orientation, innovative original content as the main line, and independent thought and perspective as the criterion. Art exhibition forms include: easel painting, installation (including light and shadow) art, performance art, conceptual art, etc.

人造写实主义 | 乔治·康多

超现实主义 | 雷内·马格利特

新表现主义绘画 | David Salle

肉体的苦难 |刘易斯·哈蒙德

颠覆混乱的真相 | 谢达·苏莱曼尼

混沌之界 | 奥德·纳德卢姆

挑衅与发疯的艺术 | 马丁·基彭伯格

世界的谬论 | 威廉 ·肯特里奇

超现实悖论 | 丹尼尔·多夫